SOL – 3/11


Contact: #3
Location: school
Time: 45 min
Child: T____ O______
Staff/site: Bacon/Everson
Parent/guardian present: K______R______
Family topics: (checked boxes) parent goals, needs, strengths
Child topics: (checked boxes) cognitive, fine motor, social emotional, wellness, dental care
Mom enrolled in Cosmetology program, enjoying it, finding science and math more rigorous than expected but pleased to be accomplishing her goals.
Child making good progress on goals in literacy, math, peer relationships. Discussed examples of work in classroom.  Mom shared experiences from home.
Kindergarten enrollment begins April 30th. Bring birth certificate, there will be some assessments this spring and again in fall. No specific peer requests for class placement next year. Mom interested in attending “Ready for K” evening sessions in May. Mom enjoyed attending movie night and eager to participate in school events next year. Teacher shared example of program to involve father figures at school. Dad may be able to participate as work allows.
End of year events include parent/child event in May.
No questions or other concerns at this time.
Parent signature:                  Date:
Staff signature:                     Date:
between the lines I want to write….…..this young mom was a former preschool student of mine 15 years ago. Pregnant as a junior, she moved away from her parents to live with a foster family and was able to graduate from high school. She is continuing to live with this family, has had another child and plans to marry the dad when she finishes school. Her son is one of the most delightful students I’ve ever had – he treats everyone like a friend, is eager to learn and has a funny sense of humor. I would not wish this road on young girls but this mom has done an awesome job – credit to her and to the foster family who took her and her son into their home.

About Ameliasb

daughter, sister, wife, mom, early childhood specialist, creator of poems, photos and sweaters View all posts by Ameliasb

4 responses to “SOL – 3/11

  • newtreemom

    What an amazing story. Sometimes we forget there is hope even in difficult situations.

  • vgpratt

    Wow! This is a powerful piece, and a testament to the job we do day after day. So many would look at this young girl and pass judgment, but you see her as the child with promise you once knew, and see her son as the delightful child he is. I really enjoyed this writing.

  • fireflytrails

    It is definitely that “between the lines” information that is the most important. Too bad that’s not the real focus of the paperwork. So good that you know it and act on it anyway.

  • Patricia

    Thank you for the positive words about a foster family…it is many times too much the opposite way. There are very good foster families, as my single dtr proves and I am forever a bit miffed when you only seem to hear about the so called “bad” ones.

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