Daily Archives: 03/16/2014

full moon

I know the moon is there, and maybe it is full.
The last time I saw it was a week ago,
side by side in the sky
with the orange glow of Mars.

But now there is no night sky,
only the bleak blackness of rain clouds,
and a cold wind is blowing.
I stand in the dark,
a lone traffic light changes colors at an empty corner.
It will be a long time
before I see the moon and stars again.

The rain seems thicker when the wind blows,
my blue-jeaned legs feel damp and cold.
I retreat from the loneliness of the street,
pulling the shadow of my dog behind me
and quickly into the house.

We both stand by the fire;
she loves it when I dry her with a towel.
It is the fullness and timeless comfort
of this space and this light
that keeps me company tonight.

writing to a prompt: full moon