
I have a new computer at work and when I sit down and look at its gleaming surface and uncluttered desk top I am thrilled.  I eagerly set the screen saver and played around with themes and created some new files.

I do love new computer stuff.  I’m the one in the family always eyeing the next version of cell phone. I never thought I’d have a use for an Ipad and now I am coveting an updated version and would also take it as a welcome sign if my laptop at home just suddenly died – even though I haven’t backed up all my photos on it.

When I think of other “utilitarian” items, it is really only new techy stuff that makes my fingers itch.  I’m still using my wedding gift pots and pans of 35 years ago and I really haven’t added much to my kitchen cupboards except a new French Press, (obviously a priority, and because I occasionally drop and break them.)  My mom passed on a great sewing machine, and I have an adequate vacuum and iron.  I did upgrade my digital camera a few years ago and have my eyes on a new,  but relatively cheap bike.

It’s probably a good thing I have a new computer at work. Figuring out how to use it effectively will keep me from eyeing – and possibly buying – something new for personal use! image



About Ameliasb

daughter, sister, wife, mom, early childhood specialist, creator of poems, photos and sweaters View all posts by Ameliasb

4 responses to “3/9/17

  • Lehua Gerboc-Naulangi

    I know the feeling! I once bought a generic version of a Fitbit because I really wanted an fitness tracker (and because the Fitbit cost more than I was willing to spend). Fast forward 1 month and during Black Friday, the Fitbit went on sale. Nothing was wrong with the old tracker, but I really wanted the “bigger and better!” Thank you for sharing and letting me know I’m not the only one! And have fun playing on your new computer!

  • Juliann

    I have a new computer at work too and I love the sleek simplicity of it. I am trying very hard not to jam it up with too many things. Lately I have been thinking about trying to simplify my technology gadgets but I really do love them all.

  • fireflytrails

    New is always so exciting! It is easy to tell what we relate to by seeing how often we need an updated version. When something doesn’t speak to us, adequate versions will always do just fine.

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