writing spots

imageTruth be told, I do most of my writing in the brown leather chair in my living room fondly named “my nest.”  I have a notebook and my favorite brand of mechanical pencils there – as well as all sorts of things that have to do with knitting and sewing and reading as well as a place for my coffee mug, a most essential component to my daily writing.

But I have had experiences writing in other places and so in answer to Bonnie’s request to send a photo of a special writing spot, I took a little trip through my memory searching out visual recollections of particularly wonderful places where I’ve nurtured my writing.

The first place I really started writing in earnest was in my college dorm room. Everyone else headed to the library or their boyfriend’s place,  but I would curl up by a window and feel like I had the whole 100 year old dorm to myself.  I loved looking right into the branches of the majestic trees on campus, eye to eye with the squirrels. Since then I’ve often found myself writing while at water fronts too, first as a camp counselor, then visiting my relatives in Cape Cod, and at home on Puget Sound.

Tree and water vistas are definitely my favorites and were part of my most recent writing experiences as well. Last summer I had the luxury of both landscapes.   I went to a week-long art camp at the Grunewald Guild in Leavenworth, WA and sat in my dorm-like room as well as outside under the ponderosa pines. IMG_2471 It was extremely hot and as the wifi wasn’t dependable, I really did use my spare time to write – often sitting with my feet in an inflatable pool by the garden within sight of some tall and sturdy holly hocks.

The other excursion was more exotic.  My parents invited my husband and I on a small boat cruise in Alaska and I found out I could have the whole front deck to myself if I got up at sunrise. You can get a peek here in a past blog post.

Something I have learned over the past couple of years – mostly since I started blogging, is that I like my writing better when I take the time to do it in a dedicated way – and I’ve noticed a special place really does add not just to the quantity but also the quality.

This where I’m currently writing:1-IMG_0026


About Ameliasb

daughter, sister, wife, mom, early childhood specialist, creator of poems, photos and sweaters View all posts by Ameliasb

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