
I stopped at a friend’s place after work today. She used to be my supervisor but last fall she took FMLA to be with her mom who is dying. And then that leave turned into leave without pay for 12 weeks – because dying doesn’t follow a timeline. Now her 12 weeks is up and she knows she just needs to resign her position.

I had brought her a small fabric hanging I’d made with the theme of metamorphoses because her birthday was last weekend. I had no idea it was a theme she and her dying mother talked about a lot.

We sat at her small table, a jigsaw puzzle about 2/3 done on the surface and talked. Because she used to work with me, we could talk about my work. Because I’ve been aware of the journey she is on, we could talk about her mom and about how it has been to be in this place of holding space between life and death.

I don’t know what my friend will do next but it doesn’t matter. What matters is what she is doing now. In 6 months or a year, no matter where she is, I hope I can continue to connect and be with her. She is really a special person.

About Ameliasb

daughter, sister, wife, mom, early childhood specialist, creator of poems, photos and sweaters View all posts by Ameliasb

3 responses to “3-25-21

  • carlambrown

    Dear Ameliasb,

    The simplicity and richness of your post leaves an indelible impression in my heart. I celebrated, I sighed, and I felt the bittersweetness of this entire life event from my conscience to my core.

    You’ve written about it beautifully, replete with the irony of your ability to offer a gift so befitting and the ease of which you could have a conversation during a time when many simple things seem hardest.

    I will pray for your colleague and her family tonight. My heart goes out to them both as they hover in this waiting place. How wonderfully you honored them both and the sanctity of friendship.

    Thank you for sharing this poignant post. I won’t forget it.

    ~Carla Michelle

  • Book Dragon

    You are a good friend, a compassionate witness to her journey. I am sure she appreciates your support.

  • Gretchen Staebler

    “I don’t know what she will do next, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what she is doing now.” Words to live by. 💜

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